Please Fill In All Fields Possible
Full Name (required)
Your Telephone Number (required)
Your Email (required)
Have you ever lent money on a Real Estate Deal? YesNo
Do you have at least $100,000 to invest? YesNo
How much do you have available?
Where are your investment funds money coming from? IRAEquity Self Directed IRA401KCD
Are you considered an Accredited Investor? ($200,000 gross income for 1 person, $300K for 2 people, net worth over 1 million not including primary residence) YesNo
What kind of interest are you seeking on your money?
How long are you looking to keep your money invested? 0-2 years3-5 years6-10 years11-20 yearsMore than 20 years
What are your goals when looking at an investment?
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